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Chaochuan Formation
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Chaochuan Fm base reconstruction

Chaochuan Fm


Age Interval: 
Late Cretaceous, K2c, (36a)


Type Locality and Naming

Eastern Zhejiang. In 1959 the Zhejiang Petroleum Team erected the Chaochuan bed in the Summary Report of the Geological Work of Zhejiang (unpublished). The section for the designation is at the Chaochuan Village of southwestern Yongkang County, Zhejiang Province.

The Chaochuan bed erected stands for the member of the Yongkang Formation between the Guantou bed and the Fangyan bed, represented by a set of moderate - moderately thick-bedded mudstone interbedded with mudstone of Late Jurassic age. In 1962 the Zhejiang Regional Geological Survey Team renamed it as the Chaochuan Formation. In 1980 Ju Tianyin et al renamed the Yongkang Formation of the Yongkang Gr, thus the Chaochuan Formation became the second formation of the group.

Lithology and Thickness

The Chaochuan Formation is mainly represented by purple red and gray purple moderately thick-bedded sandstone interbedded with mudstone with gravel-bearing grit and sandy conglomerate, and purple yellow green sediment tuff and rhyolitic crystal and vitric tuff. It is 670.20 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 
Clayey sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Its conformable basal part is differentiated from the grayish green moderately thick-bedded fine-grained sediment tuff of the underlying Guantou Fm by the appearance of purple red moderately thick-bedded gravel-bearing tuffaceous feldspar lithic sandstone with thin-bedded break red mudstone.

Upper contact

Its top is bounded by the occurrence of purple gray moderately thick- and thick-bedded sandy conglomerate. It is in conformable contact with the overlying Fangyan Fm strata.

Regional extent

The formation is extensively distributed in Zhejiang, especially in its southeast part. In the Wuyi-Zhuji area, there are a few volcanic partings in the red clastic sedimentary rocks, which differ from different basins in some extent. In the Laozu basin of Lishui there is a basalt intercalation in the lower part. In the Songyang basin, trachyte-andesite-porphyry and amygdaloidal andesite and basalt are intercalated in the formation. Southward to Hengshan, alkaline rhyolitic breccia ignimbrite is intercalated. In the Gushi area, augite andesite porphyrite occur. In the Liucheng basin the basalt and amygdaloidal andesite basalt are extensively distributed. In the Hushan basin red clastic rocks are occasionally intercalated with andesite porphyrite and breccia tuff. Near Guantantou in the southwest part of Longyou crops out the purple gray silstone of the formation, yielding gastropods Lioptacodes aff. choinoky, Viviparus onogoensis; ostracods Plicatounio (P.) sp., Nakamuranaia chingshanensis, Trigonioides (T.) sinensis, Nippononaia zhejiangensis; ostracods Cypridea (Morinina) heauensis, C. (M.) houyelingensis, Cypridea (Bisulcocypridea) oblonga, etc. The Chaochuan Formation is generally 500-832.9 m thick and up to 1353.9 m at maximum (Houling-shan) in the area. In the Wencheng-Zhenhai area volcanic rocks are even developed in the volcanic-tectonic basins, where the formation varies considerably in lithology. In the Lujiang-Sixi depressed area of Taishun, the formation is mainly represented by red macroclastic sedimentary rocks, intercalated with acidic and small amounts of moderately acidic pyroclastic rocks. In the Wencheng volcanic area, intermediate volcanic rocks are relatively developed; there exists relatively thick andesitic agglomerate near Shuiyinjian; in the Zhoudun area there occur basic volcanic rocks including olivine basalt porphyrite and amygdaloidal basalt, which are not persistent in thickness; In the Fanshan volcanic depressed area, the red beds are intercalated with a lot of acidic volcanic rocks. In the Wangzhou caldera there exist intermediate volcanic rocks including andesite, andesitic agglomerate, tuffaceous breccia and tuff, where the formation varies considerably in thickness, for example, 880.6 m in the Shanmen volcanic depressed area, only 190.7 m in Hengkeng and up to 1083.1 m in the Fanshan area.




The formation contains mollusc and ostracod fossils.


In 1982 Hao Yichun et al assigned the Chaochuan Formation to Aptian-Albian stages. In 1989 it was attributed to Early Cretaceous in the Geological Annals of Zhejiang compiled by the Zhejiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. Chen Piji (1989) and Ding Baoliang et al. (2010) referred the age of Chaochuan Formation to early Late Cretaceous. The whole rock of rhyolite has given K/Ar dates of 98.88 Ma.

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

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Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao